Register Epay account
Epay account Verification (step by step)

- How to Register EPAY Account ?
- How to improve verification of your Epay Account ?
Epay is one of the best payment method to withdraw your earning from CHAMET or (any other app, like Poppo..).
Here is how to register & verify Epay account, and make a withdrawal to the bank account. Before transferring money to your local bank account, you need to have an Epay account and make it verified.
In this video, you can learn how to register an Epay account and verify it with your identity information.
How To Register EPAY account
The direction on how to register & verify Epay account, and make a withdrawal to your bank account.
After the account gets verified successfully, you can make a withdrawal to your bank account. Suitable for steamers to withdraw money to their local bank account, wire transfer or anyone who wants to send money back home, including CNY settlement, immigrant remittance, labor remittance, and so on.
How to Improve Epay Account Verification
How to Improve Epay Account Verification Success Rate. Before making withdrawal, or any other transactions on Epay, you must complete the account verification to meet the compliance requirement :
Epay account verification process, you should prepare the following materials :
- Personal identity information, such as ID card, passport, or driving license
- Address Poof. such as water/electricity/gas bill which has your name and address included.
- Face+Identity document